Thursday, February 25, 2010


The Orca, (orcinus orca) are the largest of dolphins. They have been referred to as 'Killer whales' and oddly enough 'blackfish'. As all dolphins are whales but not all whales are dolphins it makes the name 'Killer Whale' justifiale. They have no natural preadators, therefore, they are consiederd apex preadators. They live in large pods and are carniverous. Their diet ranges from salmon-sized fish to an animal the size of a walrus. They prefer colder waters but can be found in warmer waters too. They are identified by their black and white patterning.
A "Type A" orca

There are five types of orca whale known today. They are:
  • Resident: These orcas are the most common. They are found in the northern Pacific waters and hunt mainly fish and even squid. Their pods can be considered very tight family groups.
  • Offshore: These orcas can be found nearly anywhere in the oceans. They feed primarally on schooling fish but will stray from this catagory. Their dorsal fins are among the largest in the world of orcas and may or may not eat sharks
  • Transient: These orcas eat mainly marine mammals and nearly thothing else. They are mainly found in the artic and travel in small pods.
  • ''Type A'': These orcas resemble the steriotypic discription of an orca. They feed mainly on marine mammals; especially young whales of other sorts.
  • "Type B": These orcas are more grey than black. They have an extrodenarally large white patch around their eyes. They are slightly smaller than "Type A".
  • "Type C": These orcas are believed to be more closely related to "Type B" than any other type, as they live in the same region. (the Southren ocean) They also have more grey than black. The white is more yellow than most and the patchs around their eyes are slanted forward
Note: Orcas can be albino

Thursday, February 11, 2010


The ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) is found in south and central America. It has been reported that ocelots can be found in southern Texas. They are about the size of a housecat and resemble a cross between a jaguar and a clouded leopard when it comes to pattern. Ocelots are most likely the animal closest to the common ancestor of all the cats of today. From the Biggest tiger to the smallest kitten.
They were once endangered but are no longer. Ocelots very much resemble the type of domestic cat called the Ocicat, but are not related (closely).
Ocelots have multiple subspecies. The list below is from wikipedia.

Thanks wikipedia. You guys are awesome!