So much has changed in Iceland sense April 12th. What once seemed clean and green is now dark and dingy. Iceland once raked high on the EPI list, but now, it is not looking so good for the country.
This is an incorrect accusation. The true outcome is that the country is even greener. The stopped airline flights saved more carbon than the volcano could spew.
In short term, results could be disastrous. but that will not last long, a few months at the most. In addition, the gasses will not ill-effect out efforts against global warming, actually, the ash and sulfur dioxide may help cool our Earth.
In reality, the Island Mountain Glacier's eruption is not as large as others, and in the end, this will not hurt us, but help us
Co-written by:
-Tigrette Starlight Rose, Sibra Lynx and Amur LeoPard
Thanks to:
-Jr. Schoolastic
-Tai and Tai again
Poor Iceland. Yet, No Airline gas is good. But still, poor Iceland!