Monday, October 12, 2009


The Betta (Betta Splendens) or Siamese fighting fish is one of the most curious tropical fish you can find, for fresh water that is, but it is a more complicated fish to keep. They are very picky and need good care. When feeding a Betta, feed them live brine shrimp, tropical fish flake food, or Betta pellets. It is some of the best things for them. If you don't have filtration, make sure to clean the tank once a week.
If you get a Betta in a vase, no matter what the instructions say, FEED THE BETTA! CLEAN THE WATER! USE SPRING WATER ONLY! AND PUT THE BETTA FIRST!!! If the plant does not like what is good for the Betta, move it to a different pot! The Betta is more important than the plant. The Betta should have a relatively flat stomach and if it gets too round and has been eating a lot, skip a feeding, so feed three of four times a week.
A male Betta usually has a long, showy tail and bright coloration, where as a female will have short fins and duller colors. And never EVER keep two or more male Betta's in the same tank! They will fight, but a male and female Betta should be completely compatible!
Keep your Betta happy, and keep it healthy. It will keep you happy too.


  1. I LOVE the tiger slideshow. Also, are tubiflex worms good for betas? someone told me that they are. Keep on blogging!

  2. I haven't tried it, but I think it would be good. Try freeze-dried. It is nutritional and if it eats it, its good

  3. Thank you for commenting! Anyway, I don't know about tubiflex worms, but like Loach, I also think it probably would be good. And, again, agreeing with Loach freeze-dried foods are good for a Bettas, they usually eat it, but believe it or not, they can be very picky.
