Every twelve seconds in America alone an animal is abused, beaten, or neglected.
What can you do about it? If you're a pet owner, take proper care of them, take them to the vet, or in a fishes case look up the disease and look for the treatment.
In some cities such as Philadelphia, Huston, San Francisco, Miami, Detroit, and Phoenix have a group of workers at their local animal shelters known as "Animal Cops". I know movies have given A.C.O's (animal control officers) a bad name, but, A.C.O.'s have saved the lives of many animals. Many from near the brink of death.
Feed your animals proper diets, take them to their regular vet appointments and spend time with them. Give them the good life they deserve. They did nothing to you. Give them what they need and lots of love, and they'll love you back.
Feed your animals proper diets, take them to their regular vet appointments and spend time with them. Give them the good life they deserve. They did nothing to you. Give them what they need and lots of love, and they'll love you back.
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