Whales are dying in the southern ocean. Fin whales are ever nearing extinction and Minke whales are nearly endangered. But you can do something about it. You might not be able to stop commercial whaleing, (there are organizations that do that, like Sea Sheapard , and Green Peace.)but you can give a whale the abitity to be tracked and vaccinated from common deseases. You might think "What on earth can tracking do?" but, by monitering whale behaveior, people can take precautions to try to save the whales.
Want to adopt a different animal? There are other animals you can adopt, like meerkats, dolphins, whale sharks, pandas, leopards, tigers, giraffes, and much much more.
Hello J.T, Maddie, I can answer both your comments in one. I would recommend the WWF website. I don't know the website address, so, I'd recommend Google searching "Adopt a Whale". As for the price, it costs some money, but not much. You will see the prices listed on the site. Good Luck!
Tigrette, Thanks for the info! Do you know any web links about adopting a whale?
ReplyDeleteHey Tigrette, how do you adopt a whale, and does it cost anything? You probably told me months ago but I forgot
ReplyDeleteHello J.T, Maddie,
ReplyDeleteI can answer both your comments in one. I would recommend the WWF website. I don't know the website address, so, I'd recommend Google searching "Adopt a Whale". As for the price, it costs some money, but not much. You will see the prices listed on the site. Good Luck!