Ever seen those little fish in not-so-good condition? Those fish are going to become food for larger fish. But you can do something about it. No, you don't even have to donate. You can take direct action. You can go to a pet store and buy one of those fish. I recommend buying at least five because they can have diseases. Not diseases you can catch, only fish. So make sure to buy some Mericin, a general medication for fish, and a parasite medication for fish. Make sure to read the labels CAREFULLY. DON'T OVERDOSE. And remember to remove the snails (if you have them) from the tank when using parasite medication in your tank.
Save a Feeder Fish, Save a Life
What type of feeders can i save in a 2 gallon heated filtered tank and how many?
ReplyDeleteNone. Thats about big enough for a betta to merely live in. Goldfish get huge, fast. Even minnows cant thrive in that really, but i dont know what feeders you have in your area. We have guppies, rosy minnows and assorted comet and common goldfish. Guppies require quite over 2 gallons, maybe 10. Minnows, about 10- 20 gallons as they get big. Goldfish, 20 gallons each
DeleteI always get sad seeing the feeder tanks thay t i try to avoid them when i go to the pet store. Currently have sixteen very happy,mplump and grateful bright orange feeders in a 300 gallon, along with a light tan beige one named snacky, who was my first rescue. The employee there was about to bag him up for snake food that this girl asked for and i intervened and he gave me snacky and two other cute ones. Sadly the others were given to her which made me pretty sad
ReplyDeleteYikes, sorry for the grammar mistakes lol, ipad is annoying.