07/06/09-Q. What causes the Auroras?
A. The Sun's coronal mass ejections. The Earth's magnetosphere and atmosphere protect us from the more violent ejections but at the northern and southern areas of the Earth bits of these ejections get through the magnetosphere and atmosphere creating the auroras or Southern and Northern lights.

07/08/09-Q. What is a whippet dog's top speed
A. A whippet dog can reach speeds up to 25 mph. As one of the closest relatives of the greyhound, and one of it's ancestors is the German greyhound, it is no surprise
07/14/09-Q. how do you identify a big cat vs. a small cat?
A. For one, a big cat's pupils dilate like a humans, in to circles. Small cats eyes dilate in slits. And secondly, only big cats can roar.
07/28/09-Q. What animal is most closely related to the saber-tooth tiger?
A. The clouded leopard. Cloudeds have the largest k-9 tooth size to head size ratio.
08/03/o9-Q. Which lion subspecies is larger, the Asiatic or the African?
A. The Asiatic. These Asian lions are slightly bigger and have darker manes that extend all the way on to their stomachs.
08/07/09-Q. How many big cats are there?
A. only five (well there are sub divisions in the main categories) The tiger (covers all big cats that start with the Latin words Panthera Tigris) Lions (Asiatic and African) Leopards (Cloudeds, Amurs, African, snow, etc.) Jaguars, and Cheetahs.
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